The Punchbowl Trends Blog

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What Do Moms Value In Products?

June 05, 2013 · in Content Marketing

Families, especially Moms, constantly evaluate what’s important and what they can live without. Consumers spend cautiously and look for the maximum value when making a purchase. Brands must make sure their value proposition is clear because moms, who control 85% to 90% of household spending on everyday items,won’t pay a premium without knowing the value of the product or service. Here are a few qualities to consider when marketing your brand’s value moms:

1) Safety

Moms center their lives around their kids’ wants and needs and these items stay at the top of their priority list. 40% of moms think about the long term affects the products they buy have on their kids, so it makes sense that safety is the number one consideration for moms. Ford Motor Company considers safety a key tenet of their business. The company found that after adding Sync, its hands-free communications system, to its cars, over 50% of customers cited the tech system as a reason for purchase. Whether moms buy a toy or a car, they’ll pay for added safety value.


2) Convenience

Moms are constantly on the go. They need quick and easy solutions to everyday activities that save them time and money. Convenience is one of moms’ top considerations when thinking about value. Products like Keurig’s K-Cups aren't as cheap as a pound of coffee, but they’re more convenient than driving to a coffee shop, and they’re essentially mess-free. Consider P&G’s Tide Pods. This innovative product is a one-pack-per-load detergent pellet that presents an easy solution to eliminate messy measuring. It’s a novelty any mom can appreciate. Options like these aren’t about something being cheap; it’s about better, seamless home experiences.

3) Nutrition

33% of moms who have children younger than 6 years old pay more attention to the content of the food they buy and 35% think more about the use of chemicals in food and drink products. With thoughts like these in moms’ heads, value equates to healthiness. Greek yogurt is about 40¢ more than standard yogurt, but according to Nieslen, it’s the only growth driver in the yogurt category. Despite the higher cost, moms flock to it because they appreciate the higher levels of protein. Moms feel similarly about Nabisco's 100 calorie packs. These are great to pack in kids’ lunch boxes or serve at a kid’s birthday party. They’re healthy and easy. Nutrition is important because Moms feel these buying decisions are improving their lives and their kids’ lives.

consumer trends4) Green

Going Green is still “in.” Moms see value in products that are eco-friendly because they’re committed to this cause but may be stuck between doing what they believe is right and protecting their wallets. Moms look for products that are both eco-friendly and affordable because Moms can’t really justify paying premium prices to be green. For example, products by Method are non-toxic and affordable, every mom’s dream when shopping for cleaning products.

Value has changed it’s meaning over the course of the past few years. What once implied cheaper prices now means slightly higher prices for better quality and convenience. Moms are multidimensional, and whether they’re in work-mode, mommy-mode, or celebrations-mode, they’re constantly looking for valuable products. For more on what moms value and other important consumer trends, download the free whitepaper, 15 Consumer Trends That Impact Marketing To Moms.

Posted by Chelsea Amaral

consumer trends