The Punchbowl Trends Blog

Marketing insights from the leading celebrations site for moms

The Role of Candy in the Celebrations Industry

July 10, 2013 · in Content Marketing

candy iconThe candy industry is an impressive business built on American’s love of all things sweet – and sour. On average, Americans spend over $29 billion on candy every year, a number that is expected to increase to $35 billion by 2016.

The celebrations industry offers candy marketers a highly active audience during seasonal times and more importantly, between peak purchase periods. Party hosts purchase candy for major holiday celebrations, but in addition consumers purchase candy daily for party recipes, favors, decorations, and much more. Here are 3 key facts from our candy whitepaper that demonstrate how the candy and celebrations industries go hand in hand.

51% of overall candy consumers purchase seasonal or holiday candy: There are plenty of holidays focused around candy; these are most commonly referred to as “peak candy holidays.” Easter and Christmas are generally known for specific candy like Cadbury Creme Eggs and candy canes. Moreover, chocolate is a huge revenue generator for both holidays because it’s not only given as gifts but it’s served in plenty of sweet recipes at parties. Hershey’s website for example, inspires hosts to make delicious treats for a celebrations because they provide consumers with a number of recipes that are fabulous for any occasion, especially winter and spring holidays.

25% of the candy industry’s revenue is made during Halloween: Halloween is the biggest of big when it comes to candy consumption. The average American household spends $44 on Halloween candy, which helps the holiday generate over $2 billion. Whether consumers host a party, go to an event, or just take their kids around the neighborhood with family and friends, it’s undeniable that candy is everywhere.

halloween candy

Every American consumes around 25 pounds of candy each year and together we consume more than 7 billion pounds annually: There are plenty of other reasons outside of the peak candy holidays to enjoy candy. Celebrations are a natural extension of the enjoyment of confections and all things sweet and sour. Events like weddings, bridal showers, birthdays, and anniversaries provide hosts with another reason to purchase candy. High-end candies and personalized items like My M&Ms are increasingly popular for events like weddings and showers and are perfect for party favors because they’re convenient - a quality that busy hosts appreciate.

The link between candy and celebrations couldn’t be sweeter. Whether consumers give candy as gifts and favors, serve it at parties, or include it in recipes, it’s always enjoyed at a celebration. Looking for more stats that connect candy to celebrations? Download the free white paper for 20 powerful stats and specific strategies for brands to reach both party hosts and guests.

Posted by Chelsea Amaral

candy marketing