The Punchbowl Trends Blog

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9 Insightful Stats About How Moms Engage with Email

February 21, 2014 · in Email Marketing

Email can be extremely time-consuming. We read, delete, sort, and send countless messages. The average person spends 25% of their workweek – 13 whole hours – focused on email alone. Most busy moms don’t have that amount of time to spend on one task, let alone a task such as email management!

Brands must use very effective email marketing tactics to be sure they get into moms’ inbox. They must also know how moms engage with emails – where are they read? What catches their attention? Will they opt out?

Get a better idea of how moms interact with emails in these 9 insightful stats. Brands should ask themselves, will moms read my message?

  1. Almost 60% of moms use their smartphone to read email.
  2. 77% of moms sign up for reward program emails. (
  3. Emails with personalized subject lines are 22% more likely to be opened. (Salesforce)
  4. 44% of moms like to receive emails from select retailers and they usually read those emails on their smartphone. (eMarketer)
  5. 78% of moms use the email app on their smartphone to filter incoming messages. (Heartland Mobile Council)
  6. At 63%, showing product price is the most compelling way to get moms to click through your email. (Lucid Marketing)
  7. 40% of moms only look at who the email is from when deciding if they’ll open. (Lucid Marketing)
  8. Women click 10% more frequently than men on mobile emails. (Tailored Mail)
  9. 35% of non-moms opt out of emails – compared to just 25% of moms. (AIO)

For more stats and information about the modern digital mom, download our free white paper.



Posted by Amie Reardon

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