The Impact of Digital Invites on Kids Birthday Venues
The party planning industry is moving full steam ahead to the online world. Much of this is in response to parents who have already moved much of their lives online. From calendars on their smartphone to digital RSVPs to photo sharing, parents are attracted to the convenience and flexibility that online party planning has to offer.
It’s no surprise that moms are the highest users of digital devices and social media among various demographics. Moms are the number one customer in need of services they can access on the go, which will save them time. Most parents will say they spend many weekends escorting their children from one party venue to another. Between having to schedule friends’ parties or the work to plan their own children’s’ parties, digital invitations can certainly help streamline a parent’s to do list.
Other benefits to parents include:
Economics: Printed invitations are expensive and can be wasteful. As most parents watch their budgets, there is nothing worse than to have to buy an additional pack of invitations just for one or two extra invites. Digital invitations are inexpensive and cut out many additional costs associated with paper invitations, including postage stamps.
Going Green: Digital party invitations take the paper out of party planning. Today’s parents and kids look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint in all aspects of their lives. Paper invitations are often printed on card that cannot be recycled and only build up that pile of unnecessary paper that we all collect.
Customization: Designs are truly limitless with digital invitations. No longer are parents limited to the packs of generic invitations being sold at a local stationery shop. Digital invites allow the party planner to create an invitation all their own. Add photos, choose a color palette – the choices are endless. And thanks to the Disney Digital Invitation Collection on, parents no longer have to choose between sending an invitation featuring their child's favorite characters and going digital.
Practicality: As more and more people digitize their lives, digital invitations help sync their offline lives to their online schedules. Digital invitations can be added directly to your computer – and to guests’ calendars. Party organizers can easily manage guests’ lists and see who’s attending all at the click of a button.
For these reasons, birthday party venues who offer digital party planning solutions are definitely turning out to be the preferred venues for parents. On top of being more popular among digitally-conscious parents, party venues who offer these solutions win in areas like increased brand exposure and event organization when they offer digital invites to hosts.
This is the ideal time for party venues to capitalize on this transition by offering a complete, one-stop digital service their customers. With digital invitations, venues can offer a truly simple and convenient party planning experience for their customers, and at the same time significantly build their customer base through consistent branding and data analytics.
In this increasingly competitive industry, party venues can stay ahead of the curve by offering a digital party planning solution. For all of the information download our new white paper, The Impact of Digital Invites on Kids Birthday Venues.
Posted by Carrie Nash