Since a sweet sixteen birthday party is already a big deal, a “red carpet affair” is a super theme fitting for the occasion. Glamour, celebrities, fashion, and of course Hollywood are all associated with the red carpet, which is usually rolled out for awards shows, movie premiers, and of course, your teen's sweet sixteen party! You can incorporate all of these elements to host a truly over-the-top sweet sixteen party.
Set the stage for your party with online Sweet Sixteen invitations you can send right from your phone. Customize your favorite design, send via text or email, and gather RSVPs in minutes.
Roll out the red carpet for guests -- literally! You can find one at your local rental store for big impact.
Hire local photographers or designate family members to be the paparazzi for the night. It’s more fun to get glamorous if the shutterbugs are out!
A DJ or live band is a must! Get your teen's friends moving with great music. If you don’t have the budget for the real thing, have a music-savvy friend play the part.
Set a dress code so that guests know you expect them to be glamorous and dressed to impress.
Decorate with red—hang red Chinese lanterns from the ceiling, light red candles in clear votive holders, and use red boxes wrapped in red ribbons as fun accessories.