Today's Reason to Celebrate

July 17, 2022 was

Yellow Pig Day

You're probably wondering, "What the heck is Yellow Pig Day?" This unique celebration dates back to the 1960s when two math students at Princeton were given an assignment to analyze the properties of the number 17. Thinking about the number 17 for so long drove them a bit nuts, (as you can imagine), so they came up with the idea of a mythical yellow pig. The yellow pig had seventeen toes, seventeen teeth, seventeen eyelashes, etc.

Today, mathematicians in colleges and universities all across the country celebrate Yellow Pig Day by eating Yellow Pig Cake and singing Yellow Pig Carols (seriously, we couldn't make this stuff up). And of course, the festivities always take place on the 17th day of July.

This is not a holiday for weak imaginations, so let yours run wild! In honor of Yellow Pig Day, host a Yellow Pig Parade, exchange Yellow Pig Gifts, or come up with your own wacky way to celebrate. Enjoy!

  • July 17, 2022 is also National Ice Cream Day | Peach Ice Cream Day | World Emoji Day
  • July is National Grilling Month | National Hot Dog Month | National Ice Cream Month | National Vacation Rental Month