Today's Reason to Celebrate

May 10, 2025 is

Clean Up Your Room Day

It’s Clean Up Your Room Day! Have you been avoiding your spring-cleaning this year? Today is the day to get motivated! Whether you decide to tackle a messy closet, a mounting pile of laundry, a whole room, or even the entire house, it’ll be well worth the effort.

The tradition of spring-cleaning dates back to the days when people relied on fire to light and heat their homes through the winter. After months of being shut up with no fresh air, everything in the house would be covered in soot and ash. Spring-cleaning traditionally took place on the first warm day of the season. The entire family would roll up their sleeves and move all the furniture and linens outdoors. They would then clean the house from top to bottom, scrubbing down the walls, beating the dirt out of the carpets, and dusting everything in sight.

Begin your spring-cleaning by putting things away in their proper places and creating piles for trash and donations. Once you’ve decluttered it will become much easier to do the actual vacuuming, dusting, and scrubbing. When you’ve completed your project, remember to reward yourself for all your hard work! Happy Clean Up Your Room Day!

  • May 10, 2025 is also National Babysitter's Day | National Small Business Day | National Train Day | National Miniature Golf Day | National Shrimp Day
  • May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month | Mental Health Awareness Month | Motorcycle Awareness Month | National Bike Month | National Hamburger Month | National Strawberry Month
  • This week is National Pet Week