Trademark Dispute FAQs
What is the dispute about?
The dispute is about the Punchbowl trademark and its commercial usage.
How long has Punchbowl held its trademark?
Punchbowl, Inc. filed to register its trademark in April 2012. After processing and review time, it was accepted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in May 2013. You can review its trademark registration on the United States Patent and Trademark Office site.
Why has Punchbowl filed a trademark dispute?
Since 2006, we have established a brand that millions of consumers know and love. We are known internationally as a digital leader in celebrations, current events, and technology for families. In January 2021, we reached out to the newly-launched Punchbowl News to express our concern over their use of our trademark. In keeping with our company culture, we attempted to resolve the issue with diplomacy, and were disappointed when this failed. We were forced to file a lawsuit as a last resort, to protect the brand we have built over the last fifteen years.
Why is the use of a trademark by others an issue?
The purpose of a trademark is to prevent consumer confusion. It ensures that the trademark holder can benefit from the reputation and goodwill it has built in the market. When others use a trademark, it can cause confusion, influence a brand’s reputation, and impact its business.
How can I help?
The best way to help us is to continue to send online invitations and greeting cards from Punchbowl or on our iOS and Android mobile apps. You can also subscribe to our email newsletter and Daily Reasons to Celebrate, to receive news about current events & upcoming holidays.