Today's Reason to Celebrate

July 27, 2025 is

Walk on Stilts Day

It’s Walk on Stilts Day! Most often seen in parades and at the circus, stilt-walking is actually an ancient art. To learn how to do it, all you need is a pair of stilts and lots of practice (and maybe some extra padding, in case you take a tumble). 

Did you know that some people used to actually need stilts? It’s true—in the 19th century, stilt-walking began in Landes, France. Residents of this marshy area took up stilt-walking as a way to navigate the wet terrain. It is said that they performed all of their daily outdoor tasks on stilts!

If you've been waiting for an excuse to give this fun activity a try, today’s your day! If you're crafty, make your own pair - or watch some online videos of others using stilts. Happy Walk on Stilts Day!