Today's Reason to Celebrate

October 26, 2025 is

National Trick or Treat Day

Today is National Trick or Treat Day! This holiday was introduced for the first time in 2019. Observed on the last Saturday of October, National Trick or Treat Day provides an alternative day for families to celebrate Halloween. This allows communities to plan safer daytime trick-or-treating, remove the stress for parents during a busy weekday, and mark the occasion with a full day of festivals, parades, and parties.

The National Trick or Treat Day movement began as a petition launched in 2018 by The Halloween & Costume Association. The petition initially called to move Halloween to the last Saturday of October. After some resistance, it was revised as a petition to add National Trick or Treat Day as a new holiday on the calendar in addition to Halloween. The petition has been signed by over 150,000 people.

If you’re ready for a “Safer, Longer, Stress-Free” Halloween celebration, sign the National Trick or Treat Day petition on!

  • October 26, 2025 is also Mother-in-Law Day | National Pumpkin Day
  • October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month | Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month | National Breast Cancer Awareness Month | National Chili Month | National Dessert Month | National Pasta Month | National Principals Month | National Roller Skating Month
  • This week is International Magic Week