Today's Reason to Celebrate

April 26, 2025 is

National Kids and Pets Day

Today is National Kids and Pets Day! Created in 2005, this day is dedicated to celebrating the magical bond between kids and animals. It helps to bring awareness to the many animals in need of a loving home, as well as educates the public about safety between kids and pets.

Colleen Paige, a mother and pet lover, established this day to honor the strong connection that kids have with their beloved pets. Children who grow up with pets learn about compassion, responsibility, caregiving, and more.

This day also encourages pet adoption through local animal shelters – with an importance placed on safe interactions between kids and pets.

Celebrate today by reminiscing about your favorite childhood pet, or bring your children to interact with animals at a local shelter. How did your pets impact your childhood? 

  • April 26, 2025 is also Audubon Day | National Pretzel Day
  • April is National Grilled Cheese Month | Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
  • This week is Administrative Professionals Week