Summer Party Favor Ideas
With every summer comes summer celebrations. From birthdays to graduations to summer holidays, there are tons of reasons to celebrate during the summer months. It's always a nice touch to give out summer party favors for all the guests to take home as a memento of the party. The party favors could be in line with the party's theme or it could just be something fun or useful that everyone will appreciate getting as a gift. Here are some of our top summer party favor ideas for you to try this summer:
Mason jar filled with strawberry shortcake: Simply fill small mason jars with a piece of shortcake, a layer of strawberries and their juice, a sprinkling of sugar, another shortcake, some more strawberry juice and then a layer of whipped cream. Secure the lid and tie a plastic spoon around it for eating on the go.
Flavored popcorn: Make popcorn at home and sprinkle with your favorite popcorn topping. Scoop into paper bags and staple the top to maintain freshness. Put a fun sticker on the front with the flavor and display at the party.
Sunscreen: Buy small travel bottles of sunscreen and place in a small plastic bag (found at craft stores). Tie at the top with festive ribbon and attach a decorative card that says, "Fun in the sun!"
Summer Party Favors for Adults:
Cocktail shaker: Buy a variety of cocktail shakers from a local overstock supply store. Fill each with a recipe card for a fun summer cocktail, a cocktail stirrer and maybe even a cocktail mix.
Small herb planter: Fill small terra cotta pots will a little herb plant and use a variety of types - cilantro, basil, oregano, etc. Tie with twine and write the type of herb on a popsicle stick and place in the dirt.
Long BBQ matchsticks: You can usually find cheap boxes of decorative matchsticks at most craft stores. Stamp a fun summer greeting or picture on the front using a permanent stamp pad and stamp from the craft store.
Summer Party Favors for Kids:
Bucket tote: Fill small plastic beach buckets with sand shovels, other sand toys and bubbles. Write each kid's name on the front using permanent marker.
Water toys: Fill small plastic bags with small water guns of varying colors, plastic water squirter animals and any other water toys that will fit - a deflated beach ball is also a good one. Tie with colorful ribbon and a balloon.
Smores: Make Smores to go by layering graham crackers with chocolate bars and marshmallow fluff. Wrap in colored celophane and tie with ribbon.
Play dough: Play dough is very easy to make, so whip up a few batches of different colors and place a handful in small plastic containers (found at most craft stores). Write the child's name on a sticker on the front. Recipe for easy Play dough:
1 cup white flour
1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoon cream of tartar
1 tablespoon cooking oil
1 cup water
Variety of food coloring
Combine the first four ingredients in a pan. Add the water and mix well. Cook on medium heat, stirring constantly for about four or five minutes. The dough will be tough to stir and will clump together. Remove from the stove and knead for five minutes. Drop some food coloring as you knead.
Use your or your kid's hobbies or favorite things to help you decide on a summer party favor idea if the ideas above are your speed. Have fun celebrating summer!