It's Never Too Early To Save the Date

I often get asked, "When is the proper time to send a Save the Date?" Well, it really depends on the type of event that you're having and who you're inviting. The key is to be considerate of your guests. If your event involves travel for your guests, such as a wedding, then it is advisable to send a Save the Date well in advance so people can make the necessary travel arrangements. Anywhere from 8 to 14 months is acceptable. 


For a holiday party or other milestone event such as a bridal shower, sending a save the date a two to three months out is fine. Keep in mind that it is customary to send the invitations four to six weeks prior to the event. 

The great thing about sending Save the Dates online is that you don't need the lead time it takes to usually order or assemble paper Save the Dates and all you need it people's email addresses. You'll save yourself loads of time tracking down mailing addresses. Now that's something I appreciate!

Enjoy Planning.




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