How to Plan a Toy Story Party
A Toy Story birthday party is a great idea for a birthday celebration for kids of all ages! Depending on whether your child is more of a Woody or Buzz Lightyear fan, you can coordinate your party’s atmosphere to be something out of a Western or to be something fit for a Space Ranger. If your child loves both characters, do a full Toy Story party with all characters and decorations! Find the perfect digital Toy Story invitation here.
- Decorations: Visit Punchbowl's Shopping Aisle to purchase whatever Toy Story decor you need. To decorate for your Toy Story birthday party, you can designate different rooms of the party as different Toy Story characters. For example, decorate the “Buzz Lightyear Room” with lime green, blue, red, and white streamers and balloons. For Woody, decorate the room with red, gold, white, and cow patterns. If your child has Toy Story action figures or toys, place them around the room as props for the party. For each place setting, have a Woody cowboy hat and a sheriff’s badge. You can also decorate the rooms with mylar baloons for each character.
- Food: Serve pizza from Pizza Planet at your Toy Story party. Some other great food ideas are Buzz Lightyear burgers or Woodys campfire franks. No Toy Story party is complete without a Toy Story cake! Decorate your cake with your kid’s favorite Toy Story character or with a scene from the movie.
- Activity #1 - Mr. Potato Head Decorating Contest: Purchase a variety of Mr. Potato Head parts and have the kids try to put together the pieces to create the most creative or best dressed Mr. Potato Head.
- Activity #2 - To Infinity and Beyond: Rent a bouncy house for the party and let the kids take turns bouncing and jumping around in it. Tie Buzz Lightyear balloons to the outside of the bouncy house and put up a sign that reads “Welcome to Star Command.” This will be a big hit at the party!
- Activity #3 - Alien Toss: Get a green googly-eyed alien stuffed animal similar to the aliens in the Toy Story movie. Have the kids stand in a circle and turn on some music. While the music is going, have them toss the alien to the person next to them. The person who is left holding the alien when the music stops is out for that round. Keep playing until there is one person left. They are proclaimed the “chosen one” and they get a prize!
- Activity #4 - Meteor Shower: Set up a water balloon toss for the kids to play with a partner. Tell them that the water balloons are meteors and that the Space Rangers must keep them from touching Earth. The set of partners left standing get the Buzz Ranger Award!
- Party Favors: Fill cowboy hats with a plastic sheriff’s badge, small Woody doll or action figure, and a red bandana. Another idea is to fill a small wooden box with toys and personalize each one with the guest’s name.