How Eco-Friendly Are You?
We all know the importance of protecting the environment. At a minimum we all probably recycle (to some extent), we turn off the lights when we leave the house, keep the heat down low, and take other small steps to change our behavior because we understand that each of our actions can have a big impact. One easy step that you're all hopefully doing by now is using e invitations for your parties and events.
Can we do more? Of course. Has the enviornmental movement gone too far. Debatable. We continue to learn of things we can do on our own to improve the environment, but there are some cases where enough is enough.
I actually read the other day that bicycling is bad for the environment! The story said that because bicycling is so good for people, the population will live longer which could lead to population and environmental issues. Do you believe it?!?
I also read that lighting Hannukah candles reduces harmful CO2 into the air and therefore people should consider changing an age-old tradition in favor of lighting fewer Hannukah candles. Over the top? Probably.
In all seriousness, we do what we can because we want to provide a safe living environment for our kids and future generations.
Enjoy Planning.