25 Days of Holiday Memories | Day 12: Participate in Giving Tuesday

The 25 Days of Holiday Memories is a collaboration from Punchbowl®, Timehop® & Memento® where we help you get organized and make the most of the holiday season. Sign up here and get daily assignments delivered to your inbox.
Day 12: Participate in Giving Tuesday
On Giving Tuesday and Day 12 of the 25 Days of Holiday Memories, we’ll review simple ways to celebrate and share this season of giving with friends and family. Check out these ideas for how to give back as a group.
Today marks a day of philanthropy and generosity. Giving Tuesday is the perfect opportunity to support causes, individuals, or charities in need. As with all our assignments, today’s challenge is best if you can create a shared experience. Encourage a few friends or family members to join you and participate in Giving Tuesday with these activity ideas.
- Support Local Families: “Adopt” a local family or child in need. There are several organizations that can pair you with individuals that need help this holiday season. Pool your resources and purchase clothing, toys, and any necessities to make someone’s holiday a little bit brighter. Encourage any children in your group to help shop and pick out items on the family’s list.
- Donate: Financial donations – no matter the size – are always greatly appreciated by nonprofits and charities. To start, reflect on what values resonate with your group. You can agree to donate to one cause, or spread your resources out amongst a few different charities.
- Volunteer: Donate one hour of your time at a local nonprofit or charity. Reach out to an animal shelter, soup kitchen, or food pantry about their volunteer opportunities, or check out VolunteerMatch. Find a time your group can gather to support an organization that makes a difference in your community.
Whether you choose to volunteer, donate, or support a family, Giving Tuesday is an opportunity to come together in a different way this holiday season. Some of our most meaningful memories have no photo evidence. They are the moments where we made space to do things for others.
Thanks for joining us today! Day 12 is complete. Tomorrow, on Day 13 of our 25-day challenge, we’ll focus on how we can make movies a part of our seasonal celebrations.
More ways to participate in the 25 Days of Holiday Memories:
- Sign up for email updates
- Visit the 25 Days of Holiday Memories page and catch up on assignments
- Follow our family of brands on Instagram: Punchbowl, Timehop, Memento
- Share your #25DaysofHolidayMemories progress