Halloween Rentals for Your Party
Add an extra “pop” to your party this year with Halloween rentals. When people think of party rentals, they typically think of tables, chairs and linens. However, there is a whole world of party rentals that can raise your party to the next level!
Impress your guests with your creative use of Halloween party rentals. Here are some Halloween rental ideas to create a spooky atmosphere at your event:
- Fog Machine: Rent a fog machine for your party to create an eerie scene. Place the Halloween fog machine in the corner of the room, out of the way, to create a spooky ambiance. Keep the fog machine away from stairs and steps to avoid any injuries. Another idea is to set up a spooky Halloween scene, such as a cemetery, outside. Use the fog machine to make the cemetery even creepier.
- Sound Machine: Rent a Halloween sound machine to surprise and delight your guests! Select different sounds based on the theme of your party. Play sounds such as witches’ screams , mummies’ moans, wolves’ howls for a scary Halloween party.
- Props: Did you know that you can rent Halloween decorations and props? This is an excellent option for the host of a big Halloween party. You can rent full-size vampires and monsters to display in your space. You can also rent items such as grave markers, skeletons and mummies.
- Costume: Consider a Halloween costume rental to complete your look for your next Halloween party. Halloween costume rentals are ideal for costume ideas that are completely over the top, hard to find or too difficult to make. Good examples include an Elvis Presley jumpsuit, a knight’s armor, and period clothing and wigs.
Do the math before your Halloween party to determine whether to rent or purchase items for the party. Buy items that you will use many years in a row, but rent new and exciting props each year that will accent those items. Finally, to set the stage for your event, be sure to send fun Halloween invitations online to share important event details and gather RSVPS in minutes.