Forecast Today: Baby Showers
Planning a baby shower can be a lot of fun but it's also overwhelming to organize all the details. It’s one of those special opportunities to shower your friends with love and help prepare her for the arrival of the new baby. First, you have to choose the perfect baby shower theme, which will dictate all the decor, the invitation, the favors and the menu. If the baby shower is in the spring months or the baby is due in the spring, throw a spring showers baby shower!
Baby shower ideas:
- Use children’s colorful rain boots as vases for your flowers. Just slip slender glasses inside the boots so the flowers will have all the water they need.
- Striped, polka dot or plaid umbrellas also make lively baby shower decorations. You can hang them from the ceiling or lay them open on the floor to hold small gifts and folded blankets with a big splash of color.
- String a clothes line in the main room of the event to hang baby body suits, burp cloths and itty bitty socks with clothes pins.
Another fun thing to do for a baby shower theme idea is this - since every new mom needs extra help from her friends, create a “Rainy Day” coupon book for spring shower theme favors. Have each guest donate a special task to lend a hand after baby arrives such as, “One hour of cuddling and cooing for an uninterrupted bath” or “No cooking tonight—the meal is on me.” Have a 24-hour notice redemption policy so she’ll feel comfortable cashing them in. This much appreciated gesture will remind the new mommy how lucky she is to have such thoughtful friends.
A spring baby shower theme is the perfect theme for the mom who will welcome a precious new baby. A new baby is the perfect time to shower her with love and give her the umbrella of support she’ll need during this new journey.