Today's Reason to Celebrate

March 05, 2023 was

World's Biggest Playdate

Join in the fun as thousands of families across the globe take part in a day dedicated to play!

Little Tikes® is celebrating 50 years of play by inviting families across the world to PLAY BIG™ on May 18th! To participate in the World’s Biggest Playdate, attend one of the playdate events in Los Angeles, CA or Hudson, OH, invite neighborhood friends over for a playdate with a free online invitation, or just spend a few minutes playing as a family!

The World’s Biggest Playdate is also a wonderful opportunity to learn about the importance of making time for play together. Click here to learn more about the World’s Biggest Playdate!

  • March 05, 2023 is also National Cheese Doodle Day | National Absinthe Day
  • March is International Ideas Month | National Celery Month | National Craft Month | National Frozen Food Month | National Peanut Month | National Women's History Month
  • This week is Celebrate Your Name Week | Chocolate Chip Cookie Week | National Cheerleading Week | Teen Tech Week | Pet Sitters Week