Today's Reason to Celebrate

January 15, 2025 is

National Strawberry Ice Cream Day

Today is National Strawberry Ice Cream Day! Did you know that ice cream evolved from ancient flavored ices? As early as 3000 BC, people in China served their guests sweet juices mixed with ice or snow.

Today, ice cream is made with a mixture of cream, milk, sugar, and eggs.  While fruity varieties of ice cream flavors are still popular amongst many, vanilla and chocolate are the clear favorites. According to a survey conducted by the International Ice Cream Association, strawberry is the third most popular ice cream flavor, favored by 5.3% of the population.

Did you know that Dolley Madison served strawberry ice cream at President Madison’s second Inaugural Ball in 1813? Treat yourself to a delicious bowl (or two) to celebrate National Strawberry Ice Cream Day!

  • January 15, 2025 is also National Bagel Day | National Hat Day | Humanitarian Day
  • This week is Cuckoo Dancing Week