Today's Reason to Celebrate

June 02, 2024 is

National Rocky Road Day

Today is National Rocky Road Day! Rocky road ice cream is a delicious dessert with an interesting culinary history. In 1929 after the stock market crash, a man named William Dreyer (the founder of Dreyer Ice Cream) calmed his Black Thursday nerves by creating the original rocky road. He mixed chunky almonds, mini marshmallows, and delicious milk chocolate ice cream to create a new ice cream flavor that would make people smile despite the tough economic times. It instantly became an American favorite and soon became popular all over the world. 

Did you know that in Australia, people add jam to their rocky road ice cream? And in the United Kingdom, they add cherries and raisins! Celebrate National Rocky Road Day with a delicious rocky road ice cream sundae. Yum!

  • June 02, 2024 is also Leave the Office Early Day | National Rotisserie Chicken Day
  • June is Pride Month | Aquarium Month | Great Outdoors Month
  • This week is National Fishing and Boating Week