Today's Reason to Celebrate

August 09, 2025 is

National Rice Pudding Day

It’s National Rice Pudding Day! Rice pudding is a delicious treat that combines the smooth, creamy texture of pudding with nutritious and filling rice. The recipe evolved from an ancient dish known as “pottage,” which originated in the Middle East.

Almost every region of the world has its own take on rice pudding. Some versions are sweet while others are savory, and some are thick while others are thin. In the United States, most people serve their rice pudding sweetened with a sprinkle of nutmeg and raisins. Yum!

Enjoy some rice pudding today in honor of National Rice Pudding Day!

  • August 09, 2025 is also Book Lovers Day
  • August is National Goat Cheese Month | National Peach Month | National Water Quality Month