Today's Reason to Celebrate

October 25, 2025 is

National Greasy Foods Day

It’s National Greasy Foods Day! Although it may not be the healthiest choice, everyone deserves to indulge in a greasy meal every now and then. From pizza and nachos to burgers and French fries, today you can celebrate with your favorite guilty pleasure. 

Did you know that fried chicken is the most ordered meal in sit-down restaurants in the U.S.?  Even if it’s just for today, allow yourself to indulge in your favorite greasy food to celebrate National Greasy Foods Day! Visit your favorite fast food restaurant for some French fries, or cook up a greasy hamburger. Take a break from your healthy lifestyle and treat yourself to a greasy indulgence. 

  • October 25, 2025 is also Make a Difference Day | World Pasta Day
  • October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month | Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month | National Breast Cancer Awareness Month | National Chili Month | National Dessert Month | National Pasta Month | National Principals Month | National Roller Skating Month
  • This week is International Magic Week