Today's Reason to Celebrate

November 16, 2025 is

National Fast Food Day

It’s National Fast Food Day! The concept of ready-cooked food for sale can be attributed to the Ancient Romans. In many cities, street stands or "thermopoliums" (small pub-like shops) offered hot sausages, bread, and wine to patrons on-the-go. Thousands of years later, in 1867, the first American fast food restaurant opened in New York. It was a hotdog stand on Coney Island!

Today, fast food is an American staple. There are over 300,000 fast food restaurants in the United States alone, making it nearly impossible to drive down the road without going by at least one fast food chain restaurant.

Need more proof of the popularity of fast food? In 1970, U.S. consumers spent $6 billion on fast food. Thirty years later in 2000, U.S. consumers spent $110 billion! Take part in this American tradition and enjoy National Fast Food Day!

  • November 16, 2025 is also National Sarah Day
  • November is National Family Caregivers Month | Family Literacy Month | National Pet Adoption Month | National Pomegranate Month | Peanut Butter Lover's Month