Today's Reason to Celebrate

October 16, 2025 is

National Boss's Day

Today we observe National Boss’s Day! Send your boss a gift card to show your appreciation. Boss’s Day recognizes all those in a supervisory role that demonstrate kindness, fairness, and understanding.

Boss's Day dates back to 1958 when State Farm Insurance employee Patricia Bays Haroski registered the date with the government. Haroski wanted to honor her father (who was also her boss!) for all the advice he gave to her and her siblings throughout their careers. She chose his birthday as the date for this special holiday!

Not sure how to celebrate? Send a free eCard, ask your fellow employees to chip in for a bouquet of flowers, or send your boss a digital gift card to show your appreciation. 

  • October 16, 2025 is also National Liqueur Day | Global Cat Day
  • October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month | Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month | National Breast Cancer Awareness Month | National Chili Month | National Dessert Month | National Pasta Month | National Principals Month | National Roller Skating Month
  • This week is World Rainforest Week