Today's Reason to Celebrate

January 28, 2026 is

National Blueberry Pancake Day

It’s National Blueberry Pancake Day! Blueberry pancakes are a wonderful treat to enjoy anytime of the day. They are nutritious enough to eat for breakfast, tasty enough for a mid-day snack, and easy enough to make for dinner. 

To make blueberry pancakes, mix up a batch of your favorite plain pancake batter. Wash the blueberries, pat them dry, and keep them in a separate bowl. Once you've poured the batter onto the griddle, drop a few blueberries on top. This will ensure that your blueberries aren’t bruised during the cooking process and will be perfect bursts of flavor when you bite into your pancake.

Make a delicious batch of pancakes, top them with a little blueberry maple syrup, and celebrate National Blueberry Pancake Day!