Today's Reason to Celebrate

August 25, 2025 is

National Banana Split Day

Today is National Banana Split Day! This decadent dessert has been around since the early 1900s and is the perfect treat to enjoy on a warm summer night.

The split is a variation of the traditional ice cream sundae and is usually served in a special dish called a banana boat. It’s easy to make, but you’ll need quite a few ingredients! First, split a banana and place a slice on either side of your boat. Then add three scoops of ice cream in between—one of chocolate, one of vanilla, and one of strawberry. Generously top the chocolate scoop with hot fudge, the vanilla with candied pineapple, and the strawberry with strawberry sauce. Next, swirl whipped cream over each scoop. Finish it off with a sprinkle of crushed nuts and a few maraschino cherries. Yum!

To celebrate National Banana Split Day, set up a make-your-own banana split buffet and dig in. Enjoy!

  • August 25, 2025 is also Bow Tie Day | Whiskey Sour Day
  • August is National Goat Cheese Month | National Peach Month | National Water Quality Month
  • This week is Burning Man | National Aviation Week