Today's Reason to Celebrate

June 14, 2025 is

Flag Day

Today is Flag Day. Today we reflect on the history of our flag, what it represents today, and what we'd like it to represent tomorrow. On this day in 1777 the Second Continental Congress passed the Flag Resolution, which designated the first official American flag. Did you know that there have been twenty-seven different American flags over the course of our nation’s history? The one we use today, which features fifty stars, became our national emblem in 1960.

President Woodrow Wilson designated Flag Day as an official holiday in 1916. However, the idea of an annual celebration of the flag dates back to 1885 when schoolteacher Bernard J. Cigrand held the first known Flag Day.

To celebrate Flag Day, decorate your home with an American flag and start brainstorming how you'll celebrate the 4th of July this year. To gather friends & family, send free 4th of July online invitations!

  • June 14, 2025 is also National Bourbon Day | National Get Outdoors Day | National Strawberry Shortcake Day | National Rosé Day
  • June is Pride Month | Aquarium Month | Great Outdoors Month
  • This week is National Flag Week