Electronic Greeting Card Day
Today is Electronic Greeting Card Day! Not only are electronic greeting cards a fun and inexpensive way to make someone’s day a little brighter, but they are good for the Earth as well. When you choose digital greeting cards over paper, you help the Earth by cutting back on excess paper waste. There’s never been a better day to celebrate, or just say hello, with an electronic greeting card! Create a customized greeting card – all online.
Take a few moments to send a digital greeting card to friends and family – you may even inspire them to send their own! Browse Punchbowl for a wide variety of beautiful designs to express your feelings or send a warm holiday greeting, including Christmas, Thank You, Birthday, or Just Because cards. Punchbowl also offers digital gift cards that you can include with your greeting card, to make the occasion all the more special.
- November 29, 2025 is also Small Business Saturday | National Lemon Cream Pie Day
- November is National Family Caregivers Month | Family Literacy Month | National Pet Adoption Month | National Pomegranate Month | Peanut Butter Lover's Month