Today's Reason to Celebrate

August 07, 2025 is

National Lighthouse Day

Today is National Lighthouse Day! On this day in 1789, the United States Congress approved an Act “for the establishment and support of lighthouses, beacons, buoys, and public piers.” This piece of legislation commissioned the first Federal lighthouse, which was constructed at the entrance of Chesapeake Bay. Two hundred years later, Congress designated August 7th as National Lighthouse Day to commemorate this important moment in history and to celebrate these beautiful structures.

For centuries, lighthouses have served as beacons of light, guiding ships safely to harbor through storms, fog, or dark of night. To celebrate National Lighthouse Day, take a drive by any local lighthouses near you or donate to a lighthouse preservation society.

  • August 07, 2025 is also Global Forgiveness Day | Beach Party Day | National Raspberries in Cream Day | Purple Heart Day | IPA Day
  • August is National Goat Cheese Month | National Peach Month | National Water Quality Month
  • This week is Simplify Your Life Week | World Breastfeeding Week