Today's Reason to Celebrate

May 04, 2025 is

Lemonade Day

Today is Lemonade Day! Cool and refreshing, this sweet drink is one of the most popular beverages to enjoy during the summertime. While the first written evidence of lemonade can be found in medieval Egypt, it is believed that Indian natives first began drinking a form of lemonade called “nimbu pani,” or “lemon water” prior to the entrance of lemonade in Egypt and neighboring countries. Lemonade recipes began appearing in the U.S. during the 17th century with the early arrival of European immigrants.

There are many different variations of lemonade including raspberry lemonade, sparkling lemonade, frozen lemonade, ginger lemonade, and pink lemonade. It is rumored that pink lemonade was invented by a circus performer named Henry E. Allott. During a show, Allott accidentally dropped cinnamon candies into a container of lemonade, giving the drink a subtle pink hue. Instead of disposing of the lemonade, Allott marketed the drink as “pink lemonade” and sold it to eager spectators.

Lemonade Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May. To celebrate Lemonade Day, wind down with a tall glass of refreshing, fresh-squeezed lemonade!

  • May 04, 2025 is also May the Fourth | National Orange Juice Day | International Firefighters Day
  • May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month | Mental Health Awareness Month | Motorcycle Awareness Month | National Bike Month | National Hamburger Month | National Strawberry Month
  • This week is Be Kind to Animals Week | National Pet Week