National Cotton Candy Day
It’s National Cotton Candy Day! From the sweet, sugary taste to the soft, fluffy texture that melts in your mouth, what's not to love about cotton candy? William Morrison and John C. Warton invented cotton candy in 1897, but didn’t introduce it to the public until the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis. It was an instant success and sold for 25 cents, half the cost of the admission to the event!
Did you know that cotton candy was originally called "fairy floss”? It was renamed in 1920. Today in Greece, Israel, and India, it is often referred to as "old woman's hair!”
Although cotton candy is most commonly consumed at outdoor fairs and festivals, you may be able to pick up some delicious cotton candy at your local grocery store to enjoy on National Cotton Candy Day!
- December 07, 2025 is also National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
- This week is National Cookie Cutter Week