Today's Reason to Celebrate

August 29, 2021 was

Chop Suey Day

Today is Chop Suey Day! No one really knows where this Chinese-American dish originated. Some say that Chinese immigrants created the dish after arriving in America, while others insist that the dish is traditionally Chinese. Either way, chop suey is now a staple on many Chinese restaurant menus across the country.

So, what exactly is chop suey? It is a stir fry made with a hodgepodge of ingredients like egg, meat, and vegetables. In fact, the name "chop suey" comes from a Cantonese word meaning “odds and ends.” The dish is traditionally served with rice or noodles to soak up all the delicious flavors.

Today, support your local restaurant and order some delicious chop suey to celebrate Chop Suey Day. Enjoy!

  • August 29, 2021 is also Lemon Juice Day
  • August is National Goat Cheese Month | National Peach Month | National Water Quality Month
  • This week is Burning Man