Today's Reason to Celebrate

May 17, 2019 was

National Bike to Work Day

Today is National Bike to Work Day! In 1956, the Cycle Trade Association of America announced the first ever Bike Month. The purpose of this occasion was to promote bicycle sales. Today, National Bike Month, Bike Week, and Bike to Work Day have a much broader focus. This holiday supports safe bicycling practices and promotes cycling as a great alternative to driving.

Join thousands of other Americans and participate in Bike to Work Day today. Whether you want to cut down on pollution or just love getting the exercise, biking to work is a great way to avoid daily traffic and stay in shape! Happy cycling!

  • May 17, 2019 is also Pack Rat Day | National Pizza Party Day | National Cherry Cobbler Day
  • May is Motorcycle Awareness Month | National Bike Month
  • This week is American Craft Beer Week