Today's Reason to Celebrate

July 23, 2018 was

National Vanilla Ice Cream Day

It’s Vanilla Ice Cream Day! Vanilla ice cream has gotten a reputation for being a bit plain, especially when compared to it’s more exciting siblings – chocolate, strawberry, mint chip, and cookie dough. Today is vanilla ice cream’s day to shine!

Vanilla ice cream is a classic ice cream choice with a rich history. Though vanilla ice cream was not introduced in the United States until the 1780s when Thomas Jefferson brought the recipe over from France, vanilla had been used as a flavoring ingredient by the Aztec people as early as the 1500s.

Pick up a pint of your favorite brand at the grocery store to celebrate National Vanilla Ice Cream Day. Pass up fancy flavors like cookies and cream or fudge brownie for good old fashioned vanilla ice cream!

  • July 23, 2018 is also Gorgeous Grandma Day
  • July is National Grilling Month | National Ice Cream Month | National Hot Dog Month