Today's Reason to Celebrate

April 20, 2017 was

Lima Bean Respect Day

Today is Lima Bean Respect Day! Did you know that lima beans are incredibly good for you? They are filled with nutritious fiber, potassium, iron, copper, and manganese. Lima beans are also low in fat and contain protease inhibitors that stall the development of cancerous cells. Lima beans may not be your favorite healthy vegetable, but today is the day to show them some respect!

Humans have been cultivating lima beans since 6000 BC. Today, people use them in recipes for soups, spreads, casseroles, and salads. In Japan, green baby lima beans are an important ingredient in bean paste, which is a popular dessert. Succotash, a dish usually found in the southern region of the United States, combines lima beans, corn, and chili peppers.

To celebrate Lima Bean Respect Day, enjoy some tasty lima beans cooked your favorite way!

  • April 20, 2017 is also National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day | National High Five Day
  • April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month | National Grilled Cheese Month