The Punchbowl Trends Blog

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What’s The Best Analytics Tool For Pinterest?

April 05, 2013 · in Content Marketing

Pinterest hit 10 million unique monthly visitors faster than any other site and shows no signs of slowing down. Of course, great content is critical to have a successful presence on Pinterest. We’ve already talked about mom’s favorite pins, but brands need to know if what they’re pinning is content moms love to share over and over. There are many analytics tools that measure Pinterest activity, but which one is best? Here are the pros and cons of three free analytics tools that will help your brand decide which one works best for you.  

1) Pinterest Web Analytics: Track Your Site’s Content

In early March, Pinterest finally launched its own web analytics tool. Site metrics offered by Pinterest’s analytics include the following daily measures:

  • Number of pins, pinners, and repins from your website
  • Impressions and reach
  • Amount of clicks and visitors to your website from Pinterest
  • How many people repinned your pins

You can customize the date range for the above data and export results to a CSV. Another great feature is the ability to see the most repinned and most clicked pins from your site. This helps you to understand what content is most engaging to your visitors. Pinterest also shows you all content that has been pinned from your (or any) site at


Check out this video for a step-by-step explanation of how to access Pinterest Web Analytics.

2) Repinly: Understand What’s Popular

Repinly is a great tool for brands that are unsure about what kinds of pins go viral. You can view the most popular pins, boards, and pinners and each option can be sorted by category and the number of followers, boards, and pins. You are also able to create search columns that either show the most popular recent pins in a category or the most recent pins tagged with your search criteria. For Pinterest beginners, this is a great way to discover which content your followers love. Understand what content moms react to and you will gain more followers, build consumer trust, and generate more referrals to your site.

pinterest analytics tool

3) Pingraphy: Schedule Content, Save Time

pingraphy analytics for pinterestPingraphy’s main attraction is the ability to schedule pins including the specific board, the time, and multiple pins at once. Moms are quickly turned off when they feel that a brand is too self-promoting on Pinterest so use Pingraphy’s scheduling tool for content from your own site and ensure that you are spacing out your branded content appropriately.


However, Pingraphy offers limited analytical information. You can only view your 20 most recent pins with the number of repins, likes, and comments. The total number of your account’s pins, repins, likes, and comments are available in addition to your top 10 pins of all time (which is a neat metric). You can list your boards alphabetically or according to number of pins, repins, likes, or comments but unfortunately you cannot sort boards by number of followers, which is a key metric for many brands.

Which Tool Should You Use?

The choice of which site(s) to use depends on which services or insights you need. If you are unsure about the type of content your audience will love and what will go viral, use Repinly. Pingraphy is the best choice if you find that pinning content takes up too much of your time—utilize its scheduling tool to be more efficient. 

If you want to understand how and who typically shares your content, rely on Pinterest Web Analytics. It’s also worth noting that many people expect Pinterest to continue to expand this tool, possibly adding details like demographics, board analysis, or mobile usage. Measure your success on Pinterest and gain insight as to how moms feel about your products and content. For more information on moms and Pinterest, download our whitepaper How Pinterest is Changing the Purchase Behavior of Moms Who Plan Celebrations.

Posted by Lauren Murphy 

pinterest marketing strategies